Alex Jones Offers To Pay For Genital Mutilation Surgery For J.K. Rowling

This is a sickness that can't be cured.

During a segment on Alex Jones' InfoWars, while attacking Harry Potter author (and frequent Trump critic) J.K Rowling, who has been very outspoken about anti-Muslim sentiment, Jones offered to pay for mutilating her sexual organs and hoped to lure terrorists to her doorstep.

This is really sick and may make you queasy.

Paul Joseph Watson was railing on the British for a myriad of complaints, including withholding certain information from the public about the London subway bombing and whined that if a right winger had perpetrated the crime, "within minutes everybody knows who it is."

Watson said, "J.K. Rowling is gonna lecture me about how I am afraid while she lives in a gated mansion in the countryside."

Jones upped the ante: "I got an idea, why doesn't somebody do a Quran burning in front of J.K. Rowling's house, just to point out she's not afraid of the Islamists, you know, just come to her? I mean how do we get the Islamists to her house? Do we put an ad out that she's saying 100 Islamist men can move in with her? Maybe they can genitally mutilate her?"

This comment flew by his other two panel members, who were too focused on figuring out how they would pay for and send refugees to Rowling's house.

Jones loved his mutilation proposal so much, he doubled down on it.

"I'm going to go further, I'm going to offer J.K. Rowling surgically to pay for Islamic surgery to have her genitals cut off..."

Silence from the other two members.

Watson then said, "She might not go for that."

Jones continued, "If she wants to be culturally open, now that England is mainly Muslim, I'm offering to pay for the surgery to have her genitals cut off."

The other moron said, "This is a not a threat, this is her choosing to become culturally enriched."

"I think that's a great idea. That's very generous of you, Alex."

This is the type of derangement Alex Jones dishes out on a daily basis.

It's so sick and disgusting, I'll leave it to you in the comment section below.

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