CNN: Gorka Monitored Russian Twitter Propaganda Account During Election

Russians weaponized social media and Trumpers capitalized on it.

This CNN report about a Twitter account going by the name "Tea Party News" which was followed by Sebastian Gorka is fascinating on a number of different levels, particularly since Gorka was a member of the Groundswell "messaging group" which included Steve Bannon and Ginni Thomas, spouse of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Gorka's role in particular was to amplify attacks on Hillary Clinton. How fortuitous.

The Twitter account @tpartynews, which Gorka followed, amplified conservative voices like Ann Coulter, Fox News, and other conservative accounts. Those tweets were then picked up by bot accounts for further amplification. Gorka monitored the account throughout.

However, Tea Party News was a Russian propaganda account.

CNN reports:

Those journalists discovered that @tpartynews was linked to Russia's Internet Research Agency, a shadowy news service with ties to the Kremlin -- one of up to 50 such twitter accounts which collectively had more than 600,000 followers. The Internet Research Agency was also the group linked to $100,000 worth of politically-themed ads purchased on Facebook during the 2016 election, the existence of which Facebook disclosed to Congress and the public earlier this month.

When Gorka was asked by CNN about following that account, he replied by saying he followed the account for the same reason he follows CNN -- "to know what the enemies of truth are doing."

I think we all know who the true enemies of truth are: Gorka and his cohorts over at Breitbart News.

I would be very, very interested to know what the ties between Breitbart, Russian propaganda farms and Twitter bot accounts like this are. I haven't forgotten how they blew up Benghazi just to hit Clinton when there was nothing there. With these people, assume they are all just figuring which lie will give them the biggest bang for their totalitarian buck.

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