GOP Rep Rages After CNN Host Calls Out His Hurricane Aid 'No' Vote

Kate Bolduan wouldn't let this Freedom Caucus nut off the hook -- and he didn't like it.

Freedom Caucus member Rep. Dave Brat got angered by CNN's Kate Bolduan, who asked him to explain his no-vote against supporting Americans devastated by hurricanes Irma and Harvey.

Brat, won a surprise victory over Rep. Eric Cantor by being an anti-immigration zealot for the extremist wing of the already extreme GOP. Yet he also refused to blame Donald Trump for siding with Democrats to create the final bill... that he refused to support?

Rep. Brat got so angry after she wouldn't let him filibuster his way out of answering her questions, he cut her off and used the typical 'liberal media bias' excuse for his noncooperation.

Brat said, "You're asking me for my view. So, I get your view."

Bolduan shot back, "No, no, no, I don't have a view."

Brat continued to talk over the CNN host since he was refusing to answer her direct question.

She finally let him rail against the debt ceiling, a vote that was never interjected into policy or budgetary brinkmanship until Obama took office.

Brat was angry because Bolduan wouldn't give him any credit for standing fast on the debt ceiling issue, even if it meant a "no" vote on Harvey aid.

Bolduan was very clear: "You ended up voting against the entire package that ended up being approved, ended up being the final vehicle. You ended up voting no on the end on the final vehicle"

She continued, "But that final package was struck, that deal was struck by the Republican president." What do you say to him, this time?"

Brat replied, "I made it very clear, I thought it was intellectually not ...uhhh...sustainable. I made it clear on that linkage of putting a clean debt ceiling package -- which we never would have even put on President Obama's desk -- on a Republican's desk and most of the Republicans in the conference shared that view and so --

Bolduan asked, "Who is to blame for this intellectual in-honesty, if you will?

Brat replied, "Whoever came up with a plan. what out from this is the $20 trillion..."

He refused to mention the name of Trump!

After the CNN Host pushed him to acknowledge that it was Trump who made this deal, that's when he became unhinged.

He's your president, Dave.

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