Elite Frozen Food Fortune Heir Blasts 'Hollywood Elites' For Being Mean To Trump

Tucker Carlson has a lot of nerve, no question.

All day Monday, Fox News was very, very angry at how mean Hollywood was at the Emmys to Donald Trump. They fumed about it all day, from Fox and Friends through Hannity.

But Tucker Carlson's rant might just be the most ironic, given that he is a guy with a big fat multimilliion dollar contract with Fox News and heir to the Swanson frozen foods fortune. It's not like he knows what it's like to stretch from paycheck to paycheck or anything like that.

And yet, Tuckie is all about the middle class. Big defender of the middle class. Because the middle class spends their money on those frozen foods, maybe.

"The middle class elected Donald Trump last November," Tucker declared. "Hollywood denounced them for doing it, but don't kid yourself, you could have heard the exact same contempt for middle America at any Google board meeting or Facebook employees' retreat, or for that matter, at any bar in Washington where fundraisers for both parties regularly gather."

Basically that criticism would be heard anywhere anyone read a book or bothered to pick up a newspaper. Fox News viewers elected Donald Trump, along with some Republican sheep who couldn't bear to have a qualified, capable woman in the White House.

Oh and also, television actors and comedians are the "ruling class" in this country, in the Gospel According To Tuckie. He informed his audience that their criticism demonstrates the "contempt America's ruling class has for the rest of the country."

But Tucker is not bitter. Not at all.

Speaking of Hollywood, Tucker has quite the dystopian view of a genre his own medium closely parallels. There is fiction like "The Handmaid's Tale" and then there is the dystopian fiction Fox 'News' serves every day.

"[Hollywood is] an utterly distorted world, a place warped by ideology, where political imperatives supersede art, a place where everybody has to pretend that Ta-Nehisi Coates writes well," Tucker ranted. "A country in which the wooden stupidity of The Handmaid's Tale is ignored because the story's message is just so important at a critical time like this."

I just think it's hilarious to watch the heir to a multimillion dollar fortune pretend he gives a damn about anyone but himself.

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