Freedom Caucus Leader Makes Excuses For Trump Over Debt Ceiling Deal

Why trash Dear Leader when you can hit the RINOs instead?

Freedom Caucus member Rep. Jim Jordan apologized for Trump and the debt ceiling deal he made with the Democrats throughout his Fox News Sunday interview with Chris Wallace, saying "what options did the president have in front of him?"

This is a clear shot at both Speaker Ryan and Majority leader Mitch McConnell.

Rep. Jordan never criticized Trump once throughout the segment on the deal he cut with Chuck and Nancy.

The worst thing Jordan said was, "No, I don't think this is a good deal for the American taxpayer. We didn't do anything to address the underlying $20 trillion debt problem."

He then pivoted right back to supporting Trump.

"But, frankly, what options did the president have in front of him?," he said.

"The first time the Republican Conference talked about the debt ceiling was Wednesday morning. And the Freedom Caucus, we had called for nine and a half weeks ago, Chris."

He continued, "We did a press conference and said, don't leave town until you actually have a plan on the debt ceiling and outlines the tax reform plan that we are going to do and until we deal with health care. And instead, we went home for the longest August recess in a nonelection year, longest break in the nonelection year for more than the last decade."

See, it's not Trump!

When Wallace asked about giving the win and the power over to the Democrats. Rep. Jordan refused to bite, "I don’t -- I don't look at it that way, I look at it, is it a good or bad for the American people?"

Most Americans never heard of the debt ceiling or the vote attached to it in Congress until Obama was elected because it was too important to our economy and the faith and credit of the United States, but not to these imbeciles.

Conservatives now use it as a tool to force their agenda through because they are so bereft of ideas.

When Wallace again questioned him on the Trump alliance with Chuck and Nancy, he again tried to imitate Kellyanne Conway by ignoring the question.

Wallace, "But what do you think of the idea of this alliance between the president and as he calls them Chuck and Nancy? Do you see -- are you concerned about the possibility that he might go with him?"

Jordan, "I think -- I think the president is focused on doing what he told the American people he was going to do, cutting their taxes, building a border security while dealing with ObamaCare. All those issues -- "

Wallace called him out over this nonsense,"Wait, wait, wait, Chuck and Nancy are against repealing ObamaCare. Chuck and Nancy are against funding for the wall. Chuck and Nancy have a very different idea of tax cuts than the president does and you do."

Jordan just made believe Chuck and Nancy didn't even exist and Wallace kept pushing forward saying, "Do you worry that he may be more interested now in scoring victories than he is in pushing a true conservative agenda?"

Jordan just mimicked basic political claptrap that what he's worried about are the people they feel forgotten by the Washington elites.

When asked by Chris if the Freedom Caucus want to remove Speaker Ryan, he said, "No one is talking about changing the leadership."

Rep. Jordan's entire interview backed up the news that Bannon was taking over the far right nuts.

After Bannon was booted out of the White House, he has made no secret that he is trying to take over the Freedom Caucus.

Bannon met with Freedom Caucus leader Rep. Mark Meadows to plot out this month's agenda for the most whacked out caucus in America.

A source familiar with the meeting told Axios: "This is bigger than Breitbart or the Freedom Caucus...The topics discussed included conservative alternatives to everything the anti-Trump Republican leadership has planned on every major policy matter facing the United States of America in September."

"Including," the source added, "Paul Ryan's and Mitch McConnell's demonstrated failure to govern, and how to effectively implement the Trump agenda moving forward."

Digby reminds us :

Bannon’s most famous quote is:

Lenin wanted to destroy the state, and that’s my goal, too. I want to bring everything crashing down, and destroy all of today’s establishment.

He helped get Donald Trump into the White House. Now that he’s out, he’s working with congressional extremists and warning that it will be a “bloody September.” So far everything’s going according to plan.

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