Meghan McCain Responds To Trump Mocking Her Father: 'This Is Abhorrent'

Meghan McCain blasted the president for making fun of her father, who is fighting for his life with brain cancer.

Apparently Donald Trump is mocking Mitch McConnell and Sen. John McCain in private, physically mimicking the Majority leader and imitating McCain's thumbs down gesture and calling him "disgraceful" for his no-vote on Trumpcare.

Meghan McCain found out about these reports via Twitter from Jake Tapper and was not pleased.

Calling Trump abhorrent is too kind.

Suffering from brain cancer isn't a big deal to Trump because he has no empathy and could care less about anyone else's pain but his own.

I wonder if he killed and tortured small animals as a child?

This isn't the first time Meghan has had to defend her father from Trump's callous attacks.

On August of 2016, after criticizing John McCain's handling of our veterans, she told Fox News' "Outnumbered: First Time 'I’ve Had My Family’s Service To This Country Questioned'

HOST: I've never been there with John McCain because I always felt he should have done a much better job for the Vets. He has not done a good job for the Vets. I have always felt he should have done a much better job.

MCCAIN: I can answer you as an analyst or I can answer you as a daughter, As a daughter I choose a daughter 2 brothers have had multiple deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan and other places I can't say on television because I don't know. They served with honor while his son's were doing reality television shows.

So being told that my family doesn't understand war and veterans and veterans issues breaks my heart. I am the granddaughter and great granddaughter of two Navy admirals. My family understands veterans issues.

This is the first time in my entire life that I had my family's service questioned.

As an analyst I would like Donald Trump to stop shooting inside the tent. We need to present a united front. Both Paul Ryan and my father have shown their support to him and I just don't understand this unless I guess defending a Gold Star mother is warranted to rescinding his endorsement."

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