Mike Huckabee Gets A Tingle Up His Leg At Trump Talk About Annihilating North Korea

A supposed man of God, Huckabee couldn't contain his glee at the possibility of our president ordering the destruction of another country.

The former Arkansas governor, Trump surrogate, frequent Fox News contributor, and father of Trump's press secretary, Mike Huckabee, felt this thrill go up his leg after Trump proposed annihilating North Korea for "misbehaving" during his U.N. speech this morning.

During the opening of Fox News' "Outnumbered," co-host Sandra Smith set the stage.

"President Trump lowering the boom on North Korea's rocket man and his first address to the United Nations general assembly. Warning, the U.S. is prepared to destroy the rogue nation, if its regime threatens America."

Smith threw it to today's #OneLuckyGuy.

Huckabee said, "What a terrific day and there's a little bit of news going on and most of it right here. An amazing speech, I thought, by the president today."

A Little bit of news is that Trump's former campaign manager was under surveillance by the FBI and is likely to be indicted. But not on Fox!

He continued, "Refreshing to see a president speak honestly, candidly, forcefully at the U.N. We haven't seen that in many, many years from a US president."

Huckabee was responding to Trump, who told the UN, "The U.S. has great strength and patience but if it is forced to defend itself or its allies, we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea."

Mike Huckabee, who is supposedly a man of God, couldn't contain his glee at the possibility of our president ordering the destruction of another country.

After Sandra played video of Trump's hopped up 'rocket man' rhetoric, she asked, "Governor Huckabee, how does this change things?"

Still, on an emotional high, Huckabee said, "I love the clarity of the speech. I love forcefulness of it. I know there's going to be a lot of criticisms that Donald Trump used language like, 'rocket man' is on a suicide mission."

Huckabee then condemned the entire idea of diplomacy and the function of diplomats.

"I love that phrase because he made it very clear that this is not a diplomat speaking. Diplomats basically are insincere people speaking in a polite way when they really don't mean it and they're saying things they have no intention of doing," Mike said.

Trump always speaks like a petty, juvenile delinquent so he'll never be confused as a diplomat.

"Donald Trump said things today that was not diplomatic, but it was bold, it was clear, and I think he probably shocked some people at the u.n., they're not used to hearing this kind of talk," he said.

Civilized leaders do not speak like this, obviously.

"I loved it and I thought it was exactly on point. He was saying to this group of people that if North Korea does not learn to behave, they could potentially be annihilated because we're not going to put up with it. That's a stout stuff."

"Misbehaving" is now the new normal for destroying another country?

Threatening to annihilate another country is "stout stuff?"

America could have destroyed North Korea at any time in the past if we had elected a Greg Stillson to office.

However, even the most war hawks in every administration before Trump's realize that killing millions of innocent people and the fallout to South Korea and our many troops stationed there would be catastrophic, but whatevs.

Trump loves to talk like a jackass and it's unfortunate that jack-offs like Mike Huckabee is there to cosign his idiocy.

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