Mike Huckabee: Trump Was 'Incredibly Merciful' By Ending DACA

Mike Huckabee was ecstatic that Trump gave Congress six whole months to fix DACA even though they've failed at it for almost twenty years.

Mike Huckabee, like most Trump apologists, praised Trump for putting the 800K DACA recipients' lives in jeopardy by ending the program -- and then claimed he was being "incredibly merciful" to them too.

This affront took place on "Fox and Friends" this morning during the top of the second hour.

Co-host Steve Doocy said that both parties can come together on immigration and border security now, because the Dreamers have been put at risk.

Doocy said, "There is something Republicans want, stronger border security. There's something Democrats want, and that is "Dreamers" given status."

The former Arkansas governor then started out by defending Dreamers saying, "I'm a Republican, but I don't think you punish children for what the parents did."

He supported a Dreamer-type plan when he was governor because these children earned everything they received through hard work .

He said, "It was very unpopular, but look, it's not about doing what is popular, it's about doing what is right."

Does he have a heart after all? Is he making the case against Donald Trump then?

Nope, those words were a false flag!

Huckabee continued, "The right thing is to do it through legislative action and that's why I say, the president did exactly what he should have done."

Then the high comedy began.

He said, "In fact, if anything he's incredibly merciful to say, 'guys, you have six months, six months.' You've already had eight months since the term started, so either do it..."

These religious right fools have denigrated themselves time and again for Trump.

Yes, a clean Dreamer bill, passed into law by Congress, would be the right thing to do, but remember, House Republicans refused to pass a Senate immigration bill in 2013.

At this point in time, there's no rush to end DACA and everybody knows it.

Republicans have no interest in passing comprehensive immigration reform. If Huckabee had said Trump was doing it as a political maneuver to get his border wall funded, at least he'd be partially telling the truth.

Co-host Pete Hegseth played the reverse racist game the entire program, saying, "Governor, you seem like such a nice guy, but if you support this president you must have nasty ulterior motives, you either hate kids or are a racist - especially if you watch the so-called left-wing media."

F&F then played a video segment from NBC and MSNBC which criticized Trump for his DACA decision.

Huckabee jumped in, acting like a super "rule of law" man and said, "we become a nation of emotion rather than a nation of law!, God help us."

He continued, "When we allow any branch of government, whether it’s the executive, the judicial or the legislative, to run amok, then we have destroyed our basic way of government and we are living in anarchy at that point.”

Donald Trump changed his tone three times in 18 hours over DACA, Mike. I think that "anarchy" ship has sailed.

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