Mike's Blog Round Up
Your liberal blog post links for Sunday...
Admmittedly this is being compiled Saturday for Sunday, but (knocking on wood & fingers crossed) it would appear the Earth was not hit by a rogue planet appearing from nowhere yesterday, as it was prophesized. How did that not happen? Xian fringies want only to die, don't they?
Get that son-of-a-bitch off the field right now!
"NBA union head Chris Paul challenges Trump’s manhood in Twitter blast over black athlete attacks" Trumpy's managed to completely politicize sports, while making more (& powerful) enemies of athletes, per Perez Hilton: "Donald Trump Proves — Again — That He Truly Is A World-Class Asshole"
Nonstopadelic Schadenfreude! Trump's Wk. in Review from Shareblue: Jimmy Kimmel, NFL, UN, and every health group in America rebuke Trump in brutal week of shame. Subhead: "From Hillary Clinton's book sales to Jimmy Kimmel on Graham-Cassidy, Donald Trump faced another week of very public humiliations."
Life in These United Snakes, from The Great Orange Satan: A "Mrs. Robinson" (Mmm, could be her real name.) falls from the sky into Polygamy Central.
That's it for now; for me (I'll be here, however.) for summer, & soon for the wknd. Hope there are still wknds. (& a planet) when I return.