Tom Bossert Agrees There Is Climate Change But Denies The Cause
Trump's NSA says more analysis is needed to see if the increase in hurricanes is linked to climate change.
During today's press briefing, National Security Adviser Tom Bossert dismissed questions about climate change but told the press that scientists correctly predicted an increase in hurricanes.
Is the glass half full or empty?
Climate change seems to have been classified as one of the "seven dirty phrases" you can't say on television since the country has been battered by massive hurricanes, but CNN's Jim Acosta broke that rule and asked Tom Bossert if the Trump administration's draconian beliefs on climate change have put the country at risk.
Acosta asked, "The president pulled out of the Paris climate accord. Are these storms, giving this administration some pause when it comes to the issue of climate change climate change and homeland security?"
Bossert said he was here in 2004 when other hurricanes hit Florida and then made believe he was incapable of making that comparison.
He said, "Causality is something outside my ability to analyze now. We continue to take seriously the climate change, not the cause of it, but the things that we observe."
Who would ever want to get to the root of the problem, right?
Bossert changed the subject back to Trump wanting to make sure federal dollars aren't spent to rebuild the things that will get flooded later.
Acosta pushed on, "You see three category 4 hurricanes on the same map at the same time, does the thought occur to you, 'Geez, maybe there is something to this climate change thing' and its connection to powerful hurricanes? Can you separate the two, or say, these are a lot of big hurricanes coming our way?"
Bossert did the usual song and dance of Trump officials denying climate change.
"I don't know if I'd say either. There's a cyclical nature to a lot of these hurricane seasons and I think the scientists for this forecast were dead on that this would a stronger, more powerful hurricane season with slightly more than average large storms making landfall in the united states. so we'll have to do a larger trend analysis at a later date."
See, we do believe in science, this time!
Ed. Note: Here's some "trend analysis" for Mr. Bossert: