Trump Tells Dreamers He Has 'A Great Love' For Them After Destroying DACA
Trump shows his big heart by stripping away deportation protections for 800K young adults.
During a meeting at the White House about tax reform, when asked about his DACA decision, Trump told the press he has "a great love" for the Dreamers he just eviscerated.
Usually when a person loves something, or in this case a particular group of young adults, who through no fault of their own were brought to the US illegally by their parents, that person tries not to destroy their lives.
This is sick.
After boasting about Obama's economy, as if it's his own, Trump was asked about DACA and his own heart.
Trump replied, "I have a great heart for the folks we’re talking about - a great love for them and people think in terms of children, but they’re really young adults.”
“I have a love for these people and hopefully now Congress will be able to help them and do it properly and I can tell you in speaking to members of Congress, they want to be able to do something and do it right and really we have no choice,” the president said.
He continued, "I think it's going to work out very well and in the long term it's going to be the right solution."
This cretinous man ignored the rule of law and the legal system by pardoning Joe Arpaio, the most racist sheriff in America during Hurricane Harvey, and now has put the lives and fate of 800K Dreamers on a ticking clock as a matter of law and order.
For fuck's sake.
"So far they have not been able to show they can get anything done, much less something that their base hates with a passion. Does anyone believe that after the failure of Obamacare Repeal these people will legalize a bunch of Latinos?
Maybe they'll surprise us. I certainly hope so. This is a nightmare.
It is a nightmare.