Ana Navarro Asks Ben Ferguson: 'Who Died And Made You The Judge Of Blackness'?

Replacing Jeffrey Lord with Ben Ferguson. Good luck, CNN.

As CNN Trump apologist (and obvious Jeffrey Lord replacement) Ben Ferguson was making up bogus requirements for U.S. citizens to use their 1st Amendment rights, Ana Navarro ripped him apart, "Who are you to tell a black person what makes them black? I mean, really."

Navarro then told him to look in the mirror.

Most of Ferguson's complaints on CNN's New Day against stars like Eminem and Ellen DeGeneres. Ferguson claimed these people are hypocrites, because either they never spoke up before, didn't participate in the BLM movement, didn't vote or praised a rapper who used lewd lyrics.

Newsflash: Ferguson must be on Kellyanne Conway's pundit talking points email list. His complaints were bogus and wrapped around criticisms one would expect coming out of this White House.

Ferguson said what Trump has been doing is a brilliant marketing scheme. Yea, ginning up more racial fears in this country is usually a brilliant move by a man who Richard Spenser is proud to call president.

They finally got to Trump's horrific feud with NFL players. Ferguson said players have the right to do anything they want, but promoted Trump's line that by protesting law enforcement violence against unarmed members of the black community, that makes you disrespecting the military and the flag.

Host Alisyn Camerota explained that players believe they are not disrespecting the country.

Ferguson jumped in, "I have the right to disagree with them."

Of course you do, if you're being intellectually dishonest.

He then got under Navarro's skin when he made these ridiculous pronouncements: "I will say this. I think many of the NFL players are frauds. Most did not go and vote in the last election, including Colin Kaepernick who has never voted -- "

Ana joined in, "Voting is not a requirement to protest. Voting is not a requirement to voice a political opinion."

She continued, "Donald Trump's children didn't vote and they are in the White House."

Ferguson was trying to talk over her, but she chugged on.

"Don't tell me then that they don't have to protest when there senior advisers in the White House who didn't vote."

Ferguson then makes the moronic claim that a person is a hypocrite if they suddenly speak out about an issue they never did before.

It takes all kinds of things for a person to have a political awakening: some big like the killing by police of an unarmed man sitting in a car, or a simple word that triggers a thought-response.

Does that not allow them to participate in our democracy?

The segment went off the rails when Ferguson said of Kaepernick, "When was the last time he went to a Black Lives Matter rally... cameras....he's a fraud!"

Navarro was exasperated, "Who are you to tell a black person what makes then black, what makes them have black gravitas? I mean really."

"Look at yourself in the mirror," Navarro chimed. "Who died and made you the judge of blackness to tell Colin - whether the fact that he voted or not allows him to have a political opinion."

Ferguson again laid down his phony benchmark for expressing your first amendment right as a U.S. citizen.

"If you go out every day and fight for something that you say is so near and dear to your heart and I find out in reality that you are never involved in the issue outside of being on national TV, you are a fraud and fake," he yelled.

Except that, of course, Colin Kaepernick HAS been involved in his "Know Your Rights" camp for young people and his multiple donations to charity.

But hey Ben, you think Colin risked his entire career because he's a fraud for speaking out against an injustice in our society. Got it.

Ana Navarro then upped the ante until Ben attacked her for voting against Trump.

Ana replied, "I refused to vote for a racist misogynist even though he was a Republican nominee."

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