Emotional Jimmy Kimmel: 'NRA Has Politicians' Balls In A Money Clip'

Jimmy Kimmel's emotional monologue about the Las Vegas shooting is one for the ages.

Jimmy Kimmel's home town is Las Vegas. Tonight's monologue addressed the issues of mass shootings, media bias when it comes to shootings perpetrated by old white men as opposed to young brown men.

And the fact that mass shootings are "a regular part of our lives."

As for Sarah Sanders, he points out that "we have 59 innocent people dead, so now is the time for political debate."

"Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and a number of other lawmakers who won't do anything about this because the NRA has their balls in a money clip also sent their thoughts and their prayers today," he continued.

"They should be praying. They should be praying for God to forgive them for letting the gun lobby run this country."

He then showed pictures of all the Senators who voted against closing the loopholes for background checks last year. Every last one of them.

"These are the 56 Senators who didn't want to do anything about that," he told his audience before reminding them that 90 percent of Democrats and 77 percent of Republicans support background checks at gun shows. 89 percent of Republicans and Democrats are in favor of restricting gun ownership for the mentally ill.

After pointing out that the 56 Senators went against the supermajorities supporting those things, he told them that their "thoughts and prayers are insufficient."

By the way, neither of those laws would have prevented this tragedy. Not letting the assault weapons ban expire might have. Not allowing weapons of mass death to be sold to nonmilitary people might have. But background checks and not selling weapons to the mentally ill would not have made a difference here.

Choking up, he told his audience he just "wants to laugh about things every night, but it seems to be increasingly difficult lately."

"It feels like someone has opened a window into hell."

Yes, it does. I'd settle for not dreading everything every day. I don't even have to laugh. I just need to not wonder if Armageddon is right around the corner.

Watch the whole thing above. Tomorrow, we fight.

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