As Usual, Fox Does GOP Bidding On Jobs Numbers

Trump's administration lost 33,000 jobs this last month, but it can't be his fault! What a difference a White House makes!

Fox Business Network's Stuart Varney opened up his show touting Trump's economy, calling it a success story!

The jobs report released this morning shows the economy losing 33,000 jobs, and most analysts blame the series of hurricanes hitting the southeastern US for the decline.

See? Trump had nothing to do with it!

We'll be waiting for next month's numbers, when job numbers are expected to recover briskly, again, due to the hurricanes -- re-construction and insurance claim jobs will increase dramatically as hard hit regions begin to recover.

(Puerto Rico is not a state and is not included in these numbers or analysis.)

We can't wait for Fox and Fox Business, along with Trump, to claim it's all about the so-called president's tremendous leadership that the job numbers recovered.

During the 2016 presidential campaign, Trump and his media enablers dismissed President Obama's gains in the economy as lies, said confidence was low and claimed the jobs and unemployment reports were all phonies.

His tweet in December of 2012, when the economy added more than 200K jobs (but it was Obama!)

Now, since Trump is in office, those same reports are completely accurate because Trump says they are and the "confidence fairy" is reaching new heights as we speak.

Varney said, "The federal government report that is in September the economy lost 33,000 jobs, that's a very unusual job decline, but September was hurricane month. The huge economies of Texas and Florida slowed because of Harvey and Irma."

Later on in the program Varney once again touted the awesomeness of Trump's economy and kept the Hurricane propaganda up.

Varney said, "The value of all stocks has gone up $5.1 trillion dollars since the election of Donald Trump. Earlier this morning we had a pretty bad job's report, minus 33,000 jobs but that's because of the hurricane effect in Florida and Texas."

Even with the Hurricanes, according to Bloomberg News economists believed modest gains of at least 80,00 jobs would have occurred.

The NY Times said that the hurricanes certainly affected payroll gains, but not jobs.

The hurricanes that roared through Florida, Texas and neighboring states knocked down September’s national payroll totals. But whatever damage the storms caused, Wall Street analysts do not expect it to significantly undermine the labor market over the long term.

Varney who loves to toss around numbers since he is a "stock market" show didn't have any numbers to toss around to prove his points.

Like Trump, as long as he said it, it must be true.

For fun, enjoy this Jon Stewart clip regarding how Fox treated good economic news when it was Barack Obama getting the "credit." From 2012:

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