Fox News' Outnumbered Distracts From Manafort To Wail About 'Leaks'

Fox News is working overtime to create a wall between Trump and his former campaign chairman and his indictment.

Fox News' Outnumbered was more concerned about who leaked to the press that indictments were coming down today, than the actual criminal charges that have been brought to bare and their relation to the Trump administState-sponsoredsponsored TV at its finest.

Sandra Smith began their program going over the first charges brought by Special Council Robert Mueller's investigations between Trump's campaign and Russia.

After playing a short clip of Judge Napolitano from an earlier Fox News program, Sandra Smith began Trump's defense by trying to impeach the character of the Mueller Special Council and the FBI by promoting the idea that they are leakers to the press.

After the clip ended, Sandra said, "Meantime, there is growing concern over who leaked the information that the indictment was coming."

The only concern about these leakers is coming from Kellyanne Conway's email list.

Smith continued, "Fox has learned that it likely came from either the office of the special counsel, deputy Attorney General Rob Rosenstein's office or the court itself."

Then Smith played video snippets of Trump's pal Chris Christie on ABC's THIS WEEK using this talking point to smear the indictments themselves.

Christie said, "There are very strict criminal laws about disclosing grand jury information. Now depending upon who has disclosed this to CNN, it could be a crime. We have to have the public have confidence in the fact that the grand jury system is secret and as a result, fair. But again, we don't know who leaked it to CNN. It would be a crime if prosecutors or agents leaked it.

Remember, leakers to the press are much worse than the crimes and criminals they are informing on since Trump took office.

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