'He Dehumanized Her!' Lawrence O'Donnell Rips Into General Kelly's Racist Attack On Rep. Wilson
Lawrence O'Donnell spent twenty minutes dressing down the Chief of Staff for his racist attacks on Congresswoman Wilson.
Lawrence O'Donnell opened up his show tonight with a 20-minute long, calmly presented, devastating argument against everything John Kelly did today that was wrong, while being careful to give credit for the things that were right.
In the process, he exposed Kelly's casual racism, sexism and hypocrisy. The transcript is much too long to post in the body of this post, so I've uploaded it as a PDF.
Meanwhile, it turns out that General Kelly got his facts wrong about that FBI building he claims Congresswoman Wilson took credit for. The Miami Herald reports that appropriations were made for the building before she was ever even elected, but that she did manage to get Congress to pass a bill naming it for the two dead agents they were there to honor that day.
That's quite a mistake on General Kelly's part.
Meanwhile, our Idiot-in-Chief tweeted this during O'Donnell's monologue, suggesting that he was paying careful attention to how Kelly was being received.
The first 10 minutes of O'Donnell's monologue are in the video at the top. Here is the second part: