Jake Tapper: Gen. Kelly Confirmed Trump Lied When He Denied Widow's Claims
While Gen. Kelly played Trump apologist, he confirmed that Trump lied to the media about what he said to a Gold Star widow.
As Gen. Kelly was attacking Rep. Wilson and defending Trump's callous actions during his call to Sgt. Johnson's widow, he did admit, intentionally or not that Trump lied to the press repeatedly when he denied he never said the things Rep. Wilson said he said.
To catch you up, Rep. Wilson told MSNBC's Morning Joe crew, "She was crying the whole time and when she hung up the phone, she looked at me and said, 'He didn't even remember his name. That's the hurting part.' "
"He was almost like joking. He said, well, I guess you knew -- something to the fact that 'He knew what he was getting into when he signed up. But I guess it hurts anyway.'
After this came out, Trump immediately called her a liar via a tweet and said he had proof.
And then during a tax reform cuts presser he again slammed the Miami Congresswoman.
Trump said, "I did not say what she said and I'd like her to make the statement again because I did not say what she said. I had a very nice conversation with the woman, with the wife, who is sounded like a lovely woman. Did not say what the Congresswoman said, and most people aren't too surprised to hear that."
"What's your next move, Mr. President?"
"Let her make her statement again and then you'll find out."
Rep. Wilson did say it again on The View and she repeated her earlier remarks but she was very upset over the whole affair and called Trump "a liar."
As you might have guessed there was never any proof because Trump lied.
This afternoon Gen. Kelly took to the podium to support Trump's use of his own son's death to make his boss look better and turned into a Rudy Giuliani type Trump apologist at the same time.
CNN's Jake Tapper played a portion of Gen. Kelly's presser and was pretty stunned how vicious the Chief of Staff was to Rep Wilson saying he was “laying rhetorical body blows" and "insulting" her, but what was also missed by many was that Kelly confirmed Trump, his boss, is a liar.
As Tapper was talking to CNN's Sarah Murray, he also realized what Kelly had done.
He said, "John Kelly explained why it was that President Trump said to the widow of La David Johnson, he knew what he was getting into, he knew the risks, because that's what General Dunford told John Kelly when John Kelly found out that his beloved son Robert had been killed in Afghanistan in 2010."
Tapper continued, “President Trump, two days ago said that he never said that. He stood in front — he was in the Cabinet Room and he told reporters he never said that, 'I never said that.' John Kelly just explained that he did say it, he brought in the context, he brought in the explanation, he brought in how President Trump meant it, although as you point out, the family didn’t take it that way, but now we know that he did in fact say it, even though President Trump claimed that he did not.”
Gen, Kelly, your boss is a despicable liar, who used the military and your son as a chip to make himself look better.
And when he was called out by a Congresswoman, who was asked to be there by the grieving family, he out and out lied to the press.
And YOU defended that. Shame on you.