Newt Gingrich: Trump Would Knock Out Maxine Waters In The Opening 'Half-Minute' Of A Boxing Match
The ridiculous has become the norm for conservatives since Trump took office.
The ridiculous has become the norm since Trump took office as Newt Gingrich tells Sean Hannity that Trump would knock-out 79-year-old Rep. Maxine Waters in less than a minute.
Trump News -- Fox News, I mean and Trump's surrogates are so eager to defend Trump that they are now fantasizing about Trump beating up a grandmother because she dared to speak out against Trump's nightmarish presidency.
What got Gingrich's panties in a bunch was a speech Rep. Waters gave on Oct. 13th, where she alluded to the great Muhammad Ali and told the LGBT audience that with the inspiration she received, "I will go and take Trump out tonight."
She was being facetious of course, using boxing metaphors for impeachment. She laughed after saying it and the audience howled.
Rep. Waters told Chris Hayes on MSNBC on 10/12 that 'We should be moving on impeachment' and that's what she meant by her remarks.
After Hannity played the video clip, he asked Gingrich, "What's your reaction?"
Gingrich immediately went down the rabbit hole of defensive Trumpism.
Newt said, "Well first of all, I am guessing her reference to Muhammad Ali is a reference to boxing, and so, she meant it in the sense of hitting, you know -- hitting in the ring."
He continued, "First of all, let me just say -- you'd never get it to happen, but the idea of a round between her and Donald Trump is pretty interesting. I think he would probably win in the opening half minute. But look, what you have on the left, and you see it over and over-- "
His words even surprised Hannity who jumped in and said, "He's not going to hit a girl, a woman. He's not going to do that. (But..but..but...)
Instead of stopping right there, Newt got more descriptive with his fantasy.
Gingrich replied, "Yeah, but if he was confronted with her, he would be very pleasant until she hit him, and the second she hit him, he would knock her down. I mean, let's be honest here, this is crazy. I mean, we're going to have on the left -- "
Hannity, "Oh jeez, I can see the headline: "Newt Gingrich encourages Trump to hit congresswoman." I can see the headlines now -- that's not what you're saying."
You are so right, Sean.
Hannity tried to clean it up for Newtie there.
Gingrich then changed lanes into the evil left and Trump haters.
Even though his fantasy about Trump punching out a grandmother who is also the most senior of African American women in Congress was insanely crazy, he described Rep.
Waters as being the crazy one.
We all know better.