Rep. Frederica Wilson Barraged With Racist Threats From Angry Trumpers

Wilson has remained in her district this week due to the number and level of threats against her.

After John Kelly, Donald Trump and Trump Junior started mocking her, Rep. Frederica Wilson started receiving thousands of threats via social media as well as calls to her Washington, DC office. Concerned for her safety, Rep. Wilson remained in her district and missed votes this week.

Welcome to Trump's America, where Americans feel free to call for the lynching of an elected Congresswoman.

“Need ten good men to help carry out a lynching,” a Chicago man wrote on Facebook. “Must have own horse and saddle. Rope will be provided. This congresswomen [sic] is a disgusting pig. Someone should take their boot to her face.”

The post has since been deleted, but there have been no arrests or investigations into this, despite knowing the identity of the 54-year old (presumably white) man who wrote it.

A spokeswoman for Wilson said she will be back in Washington, D.C. next week, with some heightened security measures in place.

These white supremacist fascists need to have consequences for their cowardly threats and hate spread online. Every one of them needs to own it instead of hidiing behind an electronic fence.

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