Republican Congressman: 'We're Not Targeting' Hillary Clinton Over Uranium Deal

And the lies keep coming.

Utah Rep. Chris Stewart told MSNBC that Hillary Clinton was not the focus of the Devin Nunes' new uranium investigation, saying, "She's associated with it, but she's not the target."

Is the Congressman lying? Does a bear sh*t in the woods?

This new witch hunt is a tool to keep attacking Hillary Clinton and distracting from Trump Russia.

And don't get me started about how it springs from the discredited book Clinton Cash funded by Steve Bannon.
Even author Peter Schweizer admitted he had no idea if his allegations were truthful.

"He also makes the Clintons’ job easy for them by admitting in several places in the book that he has discovered no smoking gun. If his aim were to show that Hillary Clinton was swayed in her decision-making while US secretary of state by money flowing to the Clintons from foreign governments and elites, then he has failed – by his own admission – to have found the key evidence that proves it."

Rep. Stewart was interviewed by Stephanie Ruhle. He repeatedly said that any negative story about Trump was being politicized, like the Gold Star family.

When Ruhle asked him why the Trump administration is "glazing over things that involve Russia and the last election?"

"If you say Russia in front of President Trump, he calls everything around the Russia investigation a hoax, but he likes to talk about Hillary Clinton and uranium."

Stewart replied, "No, no I think you're, frankly in my opinion, trying to do what we just talked about and that is politicizing everything."

Discussing truthfully events that have already taken place is not "politicizing" an issue.

Rep. Stewart then came up with a novel approach about the uranium investigation.

"Was the... was the FBI, was Justice Department honest and were they professional and ethical in how they handled this investigation? Again, we're not targeting the previous secretary, but she's associated with it, but she's not the target of this investigation."

During the 2016 campaign, Trump repeatedly alleged that Hillary Clinton “handed over American uranium rights to the Russians” as part of a “pay-to-play” scheme to get “filthy rich.”

FactCheck.Org ruled his claims to be: FALSE.

But hey, it gives Fox News something to talk about for an entire news cycle while ignoring Trump pushing Twitter feuds with members of the US Senate and Gold Star Families.

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