Wow. Rush Limbaugh Breaks With Trump On NFL
Limbaugh gets nervous about Trump's behavior?
Lookee here, Rush Limbaugh actually broke with Trump. It's regarding the so-called president's obnoxious behavior against the NFL. "I am very uncomfortable with the President of the United States being able to dictate the behavior and power of anybody."
You have to assume he means the rich white old guy owners with whom El Rushbo pretends he has friendships.
Limbaugh opened a segment on Wednesday by stating something that should make any American, (who isn't enamored with a sexual assaulting, white-nationalistic maniac) very nervous.
"We don’t want the president being able to demand anybody that he’s unhappy with, behave in a way he requires. That’s scary to me, even if the president’s somebody I happen to like. This is a workplace issue. It’s the owners and the league that let this get out of hand because they didn’t know how to deal with it or were afraid to."
Rush went on a five-minute rant on the topic. Emphasis mine. Notice who Rush is advocating for:
"But I’m really nervous if all that happens because the president makes it happen. He can make it happen by forcing the owners. But this is a slippery slope to me, and it hit me a while ago and crystallized last night. Trump is in the right, don’t misunderstand. But no president should have dictatorial power over individual behavior."
"A president should not be able to tell the owners of a business how their employees are gonna act and what they’re gonna swear allegiance to that and all that. That’s up to the owners to do, and it’s up to the owners to come up with a system of punishment if their employees violate company policy, like it is in any other business."
Limbaugh did include numerous attempts to defend Trump's "pure motives" behind what he is doing. "Pure" isn't a word to comes to mind when Trump decides to once again create a false narrative that ends up putting up more racial barriers around the country.
And who uses jingoism as a wedge against the people he's supposed to be protecting just to win a PR battle in the media.
A president should not support KKK members while they use anti-Semitic chants and murder an innocent bystander during a white nationalistic pride parade, either, Rush. But let's conveniently avoid talking about what these protests are actually about. Because for Rush Limbaugh, this is about his rich white so-called friends who own the Florida mansion next door.