Trump Bashes Iran Nuclear Deal, But Hasn't Pulled Out Of It Yet

Trump thumped his chest like an the authoritative despot he acts like.

In a speech which sounded like it was written Senator Tom Cotton, Trump denounced the Iran nuclear deal, did not certify it, said Iran have not lived up to the agreement, imposed new sanctions on the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, but did not pull America out of the deal.

Trump attacked President Obama's Iran deal during his entire campaign and this speech gives him a way to thump his chest like the authoritative despot he is.

Reporters tell us that our foreign allies tried to convince him not to pull out from the agreement since Trump acts like this deal is only between the U.S. and Iran.

I imagine the Kimberly Guilfoyle holds more sway over the president than Theresa May.

The Hill reports, "The decision is a compromise forged out of heated internal discussions about what to do with the nuclear deal between Iran, the U.S. and five other world powers."

Trump said, "Importantly, Iran is not living up to the spirit of the deal, so today, in recognition of the increasing menace posed by Iran, and after extensive consultations with our allies, I am announcing a new strategy to address the full range of Iran's destructive actions..."

Trump said, “In the event we are not able to reach a solution working with Congress and our allies, then the agreement will be terminated,.”

As I understand it, even if Congress comes up with fixes to the plan and they miraculously pass something, that doesn't mean our allies would be willing to renegotiate it and Iran certainly wouldn't agree to it.

And let's face it, the only reason Trump is doing this is because he's lazy.

Trump has certified Iranian compliance twice before, but was reportedly livid over the prospect of doing so again.

It was Congress that passed a measure forcing any administration to certify Iran was in compliance and now Trump is loath to do so. He hates certifying it so much that he "threw a fit" when faced with the prospect of having to do it for a third time since taking office.

Today's stunt was a way to pacify the man-baby in the White House while letting him play to his base.

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