Trump Brags: House Passing Budget 'Was A Big Event...Doesn't Often Happen'

Another day and another lie, this time about the 2018 budget.

Donald Trump met with business leaders this morning to brag about the House of Representatives, apparently. No, really: he told the press that by the House narrowly passing a budget plan, they accomplished something that "doesn't often happen."

Trump held another one of his public roundtable gatherings, at which he normally forces his cabinet members to shower him with effusive praise for the cameras. This time the table was full of some business leaders like the National Association of Manufacturers.

After Tom Donohue, CEO of the Chamber of Commerce, said that since a budget was passed it would make it easier to get the reform done overall.

Hearing words about the House budget that, by the way, had twenty no votes from Republicans, Donald got excited.

Trump said, "What you said is important, we did get the budget passed, and as you know it was a big event because that doesn't often happen. And we got it fairly easily passed."

"I think we had a couple of extra votes if we needed them. And more than a couple of votes if we needed them," Trump said.

Trump is still very sore that the Senate Trumpcare bill was defeated by fellow Republicans and he's whined repeatedly that they almost had the votes - almost.

The U.S. government is required to pass a budget every year thanks to the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921.

Even if there are some party battles and fights like we saw in 2011, that resulted in a massive compromise and the Sequester to be implemented, the country still needs to be funded.

Why Trump would trumpet another false historic landmark, and then take the credit for what the House did, is beyond me, but again shows the narcissism that permeates his presidency.

Paul Ryan must be so proud.

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