Trump Threatens Rights Of The Free Press By Calling CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, And MSNBC All 'Fake News'

Trump is pushing for state-sponsored television that exalts his mere presence like Fox News. And Lou Dobbs, of course.

On the Fox Business Network Wednesday evening, Trump threatened the first amendment rights of a free press by calling CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, and MSNBC all 'fake news" while citing only two conservative outlets that unwaveringly support him as credible.

At the end of his interview with ardent supporter Lou Dobbs, the FBN host opined, "You are one of the most, I would say by the left particularly reviled even hated men to ever hold your post."

Trump proudly replied, " I would say so."

It's not just the left that reviles him. A solid portion of Republicans also are horrified by his actions so far.

"You are also one of the most of loved and respected in history," Dobbs flattered. How does it feel?"

That's a big stretch there, Captain Fantastic.

Trump said he thought after he won he'd be treated more fairly by the press, which is a common refrain from the president.

But he never changed his behavior, his meanness, his unwillingness to learn the job and his uncouth attacks on anybody he perceives has slighted him.

Trump said, "Lou, they put on stories on CNN and NBC and CBS and ABC, and MSNBC which is ridiculous. They put on stories that are so false. They have so-called sources that in my opinion don't exist. You know they'll say 'sources have said.' They're siting down, they make it up. It is so dishonest and it is so fake."

Why can't everybody treat him like Brian Kilmeade? Or Lou Dobbs, even? Here we have a shining example of how to lick Trump's boots, performed by one of the most dishonest and odious men on cable television, Lou Dobbs.

Trump then took credit for creating the fake news meme since he is the smartest, with the highest I.Q. and an incredible Ivy league education to ever hold office, bar none. (Bridge troll, much, Trumpy?)

He continued, "What could be more fake than CBS and NBC and ABC and CNN when you look at some of these stories and look at the amount of negative?"

Last time I checked, we still have a First Amendment, even if Trump would prefer we didn't.

Trump's game is to funnel every one of his supporters off of any credible news source that will ask questions and hold him accountable to those that lick the spit of the soles of his shoes. Who better than Lou Dobbs to demonstrate?

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