Steve Bannon Demands Corker's Head: 'He Should Resign Immediately."
Watch these two tools of billionaires pretend to represent the "forgotten man," aka disgruntled white dudes.
Oh, the outrage expressed on behalf of the "forgotten (white, middle aged, bigot, testosterone-driven) man" by billionaire's tool Steve Bannon and millionaire bloviator Sean Hannity! It's hard for me to imagine how anyone can watch this and take it seriously.
First, they turned to Senator Bob Corker and his remarks to the New York Times. What Senator Corker did was unmask Donald Trump as an incompetent man-baby who is incapable of governing. He also infuriated that bum Steve Bannon.
"It is totally unacceptable," Bannon huffed. How DARE HE go to the New York Times, of all people?
Bannon went on to rant about the "globalist clique" on Capitol Hill, blaming them for "no repeal and replace, no tax cut or tax reform, why there's no infrastructure bill."
"Corker, McConnell, the entire clique -- the globalist clique on Capitol Hill has to go," he told Hannity as his voice rose in aggravation.
Hannity was more than willing to play the toady to Bannon's bluster. "I've been told by people in the room, Lindsey Graham. Corker, even McConnell...They are the swamp."
Hey! We agree on something! Republicans ARE the swamp. But here's a protip for Sean Hannity: Those Senators swore an oath to the United States Constitution, not Donald Effing Trump.
Hannity was on a roll, continuing, "Republicans are weak and pathetic and they are lacking in identity. The forgotten men and women, the voters are being let down."
Not to be out testosteroned, Bannon stepped up with his own paean to the "forgotten man."
"They have total contempt for the forgotten man and the base," he declared. "That's what you saw in Alabama."
Honey, I'm not sure what exactly we saw in Alabama but I'm pretty sure it didn't have diddly squat to do with the "forgotten man" as much as it did some perverse form of religion that is special in Alabama.
As if to prove that he, Stephen K. Bannon, is the manliest man of them all, he rose up and threw the gauntlet...somewhere, saying "If Bob Corker had any honor or decency, he should resign immediately."
And if Steve Bannon had any sense he'd get himself out of the public eye before his Nazi brigade and his billionaires Robert and Rebekah Mercer betray his true plans for the country.
The idea of these two idiots pretending they're the champions of the "forgotten (white, middle aged, bigot, testosterone-driven) man is laughable, but perhaps one of Hannity's producers could at least remind him that the oath of office does not include an oath of loyalty to a fascist named Trump.
Whatever I might think of Bob Corker, he's right. And he's doing his duty. More of the silent Republicans should step up, because reports like this are frightening:
One Trump confidant likened the president to a whistling teapot, saying that when he does not blow off steam, he can turn into a pressure cooker and explode. “I think we are in pressure cooker territory,” said this person, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to talk candidly.