Fox News Should Be Ashamed Of Hannity's Six-Second Coverage Of Virginia's 2017 Election

Sean Hannity covered the Virginia 2017 Governor election by making believe it never happened.

Hannity's response to the Democratic landslide in Virginia's 2017 election Tuesday was to ignore it completely and that should embarrass the bosses at Fox News.

I scanned through the first twenty minutes of Hannity's show up until Trump's Korean press conference began and as you can see by the graphic below, Fox News never mentioned the results of the biggest election in 2017, either with onscreen graphics or in their chyron.

Hannity. who as TP mentioned, only discussed the VA race for all of six seconds. Any person who follows the media would expect Sean to discuss the results for at least a short segment.

I imagined him using the Bannon talking points that Ed Gillespie didn't embrace Trump enough, Trumpism never loses and that's why he lost, but that didn't even happen.

Hannity created an alternative reality by scrubbing it out of his program. He had more than one segment on, you guessed it, Hillary Clinton and how horrible she is.

And then let's cover Trump's embarrassing speech with special (special? They're on all the time, Sean) guests Seb "kicked out of the White House because Nazis don't get security clearance since FDR" Gorka and John "the has-been whose 'non-profit' Gatestone Institute 'educates' people to hate Islam" Bolton.

Everyone knows FNC's mission statement and many of their shows have become state-sponsored Trump television, but how could the powers that be allow Sean to erase national news?

Fox News and how they warp reality must become the story for the other cable news networks. No more collegial avoidance of what Fox is doing to our country.

Slate also reports:
"It's the biggest story of the hour, that is, unless you're watching Fox News: As observed by political writer Chris Hooks, Donald Trump's favorite network spent more than 90 minutes in prime time on Tuesday—Election Night!—between discussions of election results."

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