Mike's Blog Round Up
Happy Monday! Here's links to great liberal blog posts...
Time oozes along, yet suddenly it's Monday the 13th & I'm back! Hoping we're due for relative calm (Last wk.'s events & revelations can't possibly be topped this wk., can they? Fingers crossed!) let's move out & round 'em up, cowpunchers. Yee-haw!!
First Draft: Allison Hantschel on Roy Moore & the daughters of evangelicism.
Zandar Versus The Stupid (That's a long-term gig!): The latest in (sad) Polish jokes.
Round-ups: Mad Biologist Mike; skippy.
"Moderate" shakin' all over at the very top o' the world!
Right-wing comedy relief: The polls are already moving, but ... "Jim Hoft/The Gateway Pundit: 'TGP Prediction: Roy Moore Will Win in a Landslide; Alabama Voters Won't Buy Far Left WaPo Claptrap'" Hoft absolutely is the biggest pendejo on the iNternet, isn't he?
This edition rounded up & put away by Web of Evil (& Ennui)'s M. Bouffant, who went out w/ 14-yr. olds alright, WHEN HE WAS 14!!