Mike's Blog Round Up
Your links to great liberal blog posts for Wednesday...
Wednesday's Child is full of woe:
Whoa if true: Roy Moore is a lying sack of crap, or, as Slacktivist puts it: "is not particularly honest." Nor is Mrs. Moore, who is, coincidentally, that magic 15-or-so yrs. younger than her hubby the molesting perverted twice-removed judge.
Emptywheel is "underwhelmed" by the Junior Lump/Wikileaks revelations; I was too.
"Is there some sort of right-wing crackpot factory? Are they made in China? Enquiring minds want to know" asks Dispatches From The Culture Wars, in reponse to: "Her latest utterly bizarre conspiracy theory is that the movie The Wizard of Oz is used by the Illuminati to turn kids into sex slaves. And it has something to do with Hillary Clintonů" Of course it does.
More damn Moore & the patriarchal/evangelical culture of molesting 14-yr. olds, from Echidne of the Snakes.
Other lying sacks/old wretches w/ "memory problems": Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III, as documented by Heather Timmons at Quartz.
Today's mess woefully rounded up & sent to the slaughterhouse by M. Bouffant, who is using this gig as an excuse not to bother posting all this wk. at Web of Evil (& Ennui). Won't be Tweeting much either (I seldom do.) 280 characters or not.