NBC's Chuck Todd On Jeff Sessions' Revelation: 'He's In Extraordinary Trouble'

Senators don't take too kindly to being lied to.

NBC's Chuck Todd told The Today Show that Attorney General Sessions has big problems after revelations that he did know about Russians wanting to meet with Trump. "In a normal Washington," Todd opined, "I would say he's an extraordinary trouble."

Things are not looking good for Jefferson Beauregard Sessions, III.

After vehemently denying knowing or having contact with Russians during the 2016 campaign in a Congressional hearing, George Papadopoulos' plea deal contains information that Sen. Jeff Sessions was the one who "shut down that discussion because it was a bad idea."

This morning Matt Lauer asked the host of Meet the Press, "Is Jeff Sessions in trouble?

Todd replied, "You know, in a normal Washington, I would say he's an extraordinary trouble."

The word "normal" was thrown in there because Trump has destroyed almost every presidential norm in existence.

"And, look, he doesn't have all the confidence as far as the president's concerned, but the president's lack of confidence has nothing to do with why Capitol Hill is upset with him, since it is now apparently I believe we're up to the third time that Jeff Sessions has had to suddenly correct the record about either a meeting with Russian officials or something involving Russia," Todd said.

At this point, denying having knowledge or begin involved with meeting any Russians during the 2016 campaign seems like a coordinated Trump administration strategy.

He continued, "And this last one, look, senators don't take kindly to being misled under oath, especially from the chief law enforcement officer."

Lying in Congressional hearings doesn't usually sit well with those politicians conducting the questioning.

"But it's the president's problems with him that create this sort of vice grip for Jeff Sessions. I mean, he's got a president who is basically screaming, please, do something to distract from Russia, investigate Hillary Clinton," Chuck said.

Trump believes everybody connected to the Justice department and law enforcement should take orders on who to investigate directly from him.

And Donald has been public in his disdain for Jeff Sessions because the AG recused himself from the Russian investigations and is not there is disrupt, block and protect Trump.

Lauer explained, "It boils down to this, if you're in a meeting on March 31st, 2016, and you hear this talk coming from George Papadopoulos saying I got someone in the UK who can connect us to Putin in Russia, you shut it down if you're Sessions, saying I don't like the idea and I don't even want to talk about it because it might leak. Would you not remember that conversation later?"

Todd replied, "It's hard to fathom, Matt. ...you know when controversial things get offered up and you're the person that says 'no, that's a bad idea,' which according to reports Jeff Sessions did say that. Yeah, it's hard to come around to this idea that you might have just 'oh, I have so many things going on I forgot about that one.'"

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