'They're Out For Money': Roy Moore Supporter Calls Accusers Gold Diggers Whom He Rejected

And she also pegged Luther Strange as the culprit behind these women.

An Alabama Republican activist and supporter of Roy Moore who attended a tiny Women For Moore rally, told MSNBC that his many accusers were young women who he rejected and are now gold diggers being pushed to come forward by his primary opponent, Luther Strange.

I kid you not.

During the Velshi & Ruhle hour, MSNBC reporter Vaughn Hillyard interviewed Martha Shiver, who says she's known Roy Moore for about ten or twelve years but doesn't believe any of his accusers, and she thinks Moore is being set up.

She did not know Moore when he was allegedly stalking high schools and malls for young teenage girls back in his thirties.

Hillyard said, "I want to ask you. Why are you here this morning for Roy Moore?

Shiver said, "Well, I want to let him know we are 100% behind him. We believe in him and we just don't really believe in all the slander that is going on and we want him to know that we're 100% behind him."

The MSNBC reporter asked if she believed the nine women, who have some very specific information and have come forward so far.

Hillyard asked, "There is talk of that maybe a couple of decades ago, it was more normal for an older man to date older women. Is that the case and do you think if he engaged in these behaviors that it was acceptable?"

Shiver then became conspiratorial and pretty deluded.

She replied, "I think at a young age, she may have pushed the issue and she got probably rejected and now she's saying something that really I don't think happened."

Not only did Moore not ask out a 14 year-old girl and seduce her, but it was the young teens that tried to seduce Moore and now are still angry over his rejections almost forty years later?

That man has got some serious mojo!

Hillyard asked, "Do you think that these women are telling the truth?"

"I think that they're out for money. I think they're being pushed by the other people to say things that are not true," Shiver said.

"Who are these other people?"

"I wouldn't really like to say that on TV."

She continued, "But I think Luther Strange is probably behind a lot of this. I really don't trust him and I just don't trust him."

She didn't really want to say: LUTHER STRANGE!

"You believe Roy Moore?"

"I believe in Roy Moore all the way, 100%."

This interview almost left me speechless. What a web she weaved.

Apparently Luther Strange found these nine women somehow. They were all dying to date Moore as underage teens and are still angry that he refused their advances and Luther promised them boat loads of cash if they would lie about Roy Moore on the record.

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