Rush Limbaugh: 'Sometimes, Terrorists Come Straight From The Democrat Party'
Limbaugh claimed that Al-Qaeda,Uzbekistan, and Afghanistan don't have a monopoly on terrorists
On his radio show, Rush Limbaugh claimed that Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are churning out as many terrorists as Al-Qaeda.
What a sweetheart.
I've written many times that the basic object of right-wing AM radio is not to curry favor for a political candidate or policy, but to make people passionately hate the left.
During this audio captured by MMFA, Limbaugh first alleges that Rand Paul had the crap beat out of him by his "leftist neighbor" over some water lilies.
The climate change denier who ran away from Hurricane Irma then went for the gusto.
Limbaugh said, "And it is more than obvious that the left is encouraging their followers to be vile, aggressive, abusive, and dangerous. There's no question about it. The left is encouraging this kind of activity. They are promoting it. And they celebrate it."
Yippee, hooray!
And then Rush closed with this:
"The left can routinely make movies, write books, do tell-alls about how to assassinate Republican presidents. We've already had one of these lunatics try to wipe out one-third of the Republicans in the House at that baseball practice. And now the EPA administrator needs 24/7 protection for him and his family. And I'm just going to tell you, terrorists do not always just come from Uzbekistan. They don't just come from Afghanistan. They don't just come from Al Qaeda. Sometimes, terrorists come straight from the Democrat party, straight from the American left."
Please fill out the form below so I can send you your terrorist I.D. badge.
What a wanker.