Sen. Tim Scott: Roy Moore Should 'Find Something Else To Do'

Sen. Tim Scott, a Tea Party favorite has told Moore to drop out of the race so a write-in candidate can take his place.

On Fox News Sunday, South Carolina Senator Tim Scott told Roy Moore to get out of the race and let another conservative replace him.

Sunday morning, FNS host Chris Wallace asked the Republican Senator to comment on the state of the Alabama Senate seat after Moore's sexual harassment allegations with underage girls have become such a huge issue.

WALLACE: So, let me ask you a direct question, do you think that Judge Moore should step aside and let a Republican write-in candidate try to hold onto the seat?

SCOTT: What I’ve said in the past, I want to be very clear, is that the allegations are stronger than the denial and that Roy Moore should find something else to do, which is my way of suggesting that he should not be in a race.

WALLACE: So, you think he should step down at this point?

SCOTT: I certainly think that there's a strong possibility with a new candidate, a new Republican candidate, a proven conservative, that we can win that race in Alabama, and it is in the best interest of the country, as well as the state of Alabama from my perspective for Roy Moore to find something else to do.

I'd say that's a very strong rebuke of Moore's candidacy.

The FNS host then asked if these nine women coming forward was all a conspiracy orchestrated by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to steal the seat away from him.

WALLACE: So, let me ask you about Judge Moore, because he says that these accusations against him are really about the Senate establishment, the elite trying to keep down and take away a representative, in his case, of the grassroots. Here is Judge Moore.


ROY MOORE, R-ALABAMA U.S. SENATE CANDIDATE: This is an effort by Mitch McConnell and his cronies to steal his election from the people of Alabama, and they will not stand for it.


WALLACE: In your view, is this controversy about Judge Moore's behavior, or is it a political power play by "The Washington Post" and Senator McConnell?

SCOTT: This controversy is over the necessity of respecting women, period. Our response to sexual harassment should be as aggressive as possible. The reality of it is, when you look at those conservative lawmakers in the Senate who have withdrawn their support of Judge Moore, that should send a clear signal that this has nothing to do with the establishment Republican or politics. It has to do with the character that we want displayed in the United States of America and especially in our leadership role.

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