Texas Attorney General's Response To Shooting Is To Call For More Guns In Church

Being against any form of gun control, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton wants parishioners to pack more heat.

It's evident that Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton's real allegiance is to the NRA rather than the people in his state.

Paxton joined Fox News on Sunday and parroted every Wayne La Pierre talking point to Fox News host Eric Shawn.

Not even asked about gun control, Paxton said, "If somebody's willing to kill someone, they're also going to be willing to violate a gun law."

So we should America abolish every gun law on the books? What's the point of doing even a background check, right?

And then he bragged about Texas having the "ability to conceal and carry" which means of course they can become heroes. Everybody will be SWAT team/Wyatt Earp ready.

Paxton said, "There's always the opportunity that gunman will be taken out before he has the opportunity to kill very many people."

How is that working out for us so far?

Host Eric Shawn was a bit unnerved by this talk and said, "And you would think, I mean, the concept of a firearm and a church that we've come to that. I mean, in Arkansas there's the church protection act where they're legally allowed to do that, apparently. I mean, it just two potentially diametric opposite concepts when you're there praying to the Lord."

AG Paxton replied, "Well, there's no doubt. I think that's why so many people don't carry in a church where as this had been somewhere else, you might have seen somebody being able to react."

That's a novel idea but one without any merit.

After a gunman starting shooting in a Colorado Walmart, customers began pulling out their weapons which caused law enforcement mass confusion.

Paxton continued, "We've had shootings at churches, you know, forever. It's going to happen again and so, you know, we need people in church to do, you know, professional security or at least arming some of the parishioners or the congregation so that they can respond if something like this, when something like this happens again."

All the statistics prove AG Paxton wrong of course, but these days conservative politicians do not care for truth or facts.

They are only interested in making sure they sufficiently bow down to their second amendment zealots.

A note about Paxton: He's in an ongoing legal battle, and was charged with bribery and securities fraud in 2015. The state of Texas, of which Paxton is Attorney General, is now fighting the legal fees for the prosecutors. Can you see a conflict of interest here?

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