Thug Trump Brags About Federal Judge Appointments He Stole From Obama

It's one thing to be a thief, and another to brag about the stolen goods. Trump is as brazen as Putin, his role model.

The Thug-in-Chief held one of his Dear Leader press conferences in the Cabinet room with the adoring Cabinet sitting at the table today. There was a range of topics discussed, because there's not really anything he can specifically brag about that he has accomplished because he is basically a failure.

However, because he is a thug and a thief, he had no problem crowing about the Gorsuch appointment, nor about the appointments he stole from President Obama for the appeals courts and federal district courts.

As if he just thought of A Thing He Could Crow About, Trump said, "One of the things that has happened that nobody is paying attention to but you'll see it this week are federal judges."

Salting the wound, he continued, "Not only Justice Gorsuch but many judges that are being approved at the district level, federal district judges and court of appeals judges. We'll have -- at this moment we'll be up to fairly soon the approval of 145 federal judges. The court of appeals about 17 at this moment."

Even that wasn't enough for him. It was pathetic, like the kid who spread feces all over the walls and then turned to mommy with his diaper in hand to show her what he did.

"We'll have a big percentage of the court will be changed by this administration over a very short period of time," Trump crowed.

While failing to note that well over 100 of those appointments belonged to President Obama (along with Justice Gorsuch's appointment), Trump counted this as a feather no other president had ever been able to put in his cap, other than maybe George Washington, who was around "when they started the whole process."

Also? The Wall Street Journal has given him great reviews on that. "Really fantastic reviews!"

So there's that, anyway.

Donald Trump is a thug and a thief, and worse yet, he's a carnival barker who is actually bragging in public about his ill-gotten gains. It's disgusting.

However, it might just come back and bite him in the ass. After all, federal judges might not look too kindly on treasonous activities and collusion with Russia to steal federal elections either.

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