Trump's Mockery Of Rubio's 'Water Moment' Comes Back To Haunt Him; Rubio Responds
Karma is a bitch.
During today's short press conference, Donald Trump looked pretty silly trying to find his bottle of water to drink after his mouth got dry during his recap of his trip to Asia.
Nice going, staff.
This is notable only because during Sen. Marco Rubio's SOTU rebuttal in 2013, he had his own battle with a bottle of water that was heavily lampooned by the media as well as late night talk shows and U.S. citizens around the country. And then the controversy died down.
Until Trump, that is. In February of 2016 during the presidential primaries, Trump took the time during one of his stump speeches to viciously mock the Florida Senator for his performance with the Poland Spring.
"Do you remember that catastrophe?" Trump said and then began to mimic Rubio. "I need water, help me."
"This is on live television, Trump said and then called Rubio a "total choke artist." After being given a bottle of water on stage, Trump continued to entertain his followers by making fun of Rubio and used bizarre facial expressions to do so.
Cut to the present: Just a few moments ago while touting his Asian trip on live TV, Trump then stopped, bent his head down to find his own bottle of water. With no luck, he popped back up and said, "They don't have water, that's OK."
As he was about to start speaking again somebody shouted to him and he said, "What?" He then found his bottle of water and stoically held it up to the press and took a quick sip.
What goes around comes around.
UPDATE: Rubio posted his critique: