Trump: 'The Saddest Thing' Is He Can't Use The Justice Department Against His Rivals

Donald Is upset that the U.S. government frowns on its presidents from trying to act like authoritarian dictators.

Donald Trump expressed his grief to WMAL's Larry O'Connor because he is aware that he isn't allowed to use the Justice Department as his personal goon squad to investigate Hilary Clinton and all of his political rivals.

Talk show host Larry O'Connor said that many Trump supporters wondered why the Justice Department hasn't done enough to uncover those leaking against Trump's administration and "really, truly, honestly investigate Hillary Clinton, Uranium One. They don't feel like justice has been done there."

Trump said the leaks were really bad for the country and then whined how much he wants to personally and illegally conduct investigations into his political rival.

Trump replied, "But, you know the saddest thing is that because I'm the president of the United States, I am not supposed to be involved with the Justice Department. I'm not supposed to be involved with the FBI. I'm not supposed to be doing the kind of things I would love to be doing. And I'm very frustrated by it."

We know Trump loves to smear, lie about and bash his political rivals as well as anyone who is negative towards his humongous ego.

He continued, "I look at what's happening with the Justice Department. Why aren't they going after Hillary Clinton with her emails and with her, the dossier. The kind of money. I don't know is it possible that they paid $12.4 million for the dossier, which is total phony, fake. And how is it used? And again, it’s very discouraging to me I'll be honest, I'm very unhappy with it, that the Justice Department isn't going. Now maybe they are, but you know as president, and I think you understand this, as a president you are not supposed to be involved in that process but hopefully they are doing something and at some point maybe we're all gonna have it out."

As MSNBC's John Heilemann, (without his pal) rightfully opined, "He’s now frustrated by that fact that he can’t behave like an authoritarian dictator.”

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