2017 Good Guy Award: Colin Kaepernick

Kaepernick's willingness to stand against injustice and lead even in the face of Trump's criticism earns him a spot as one of our Good Guys.

Colin Kaepernick's leadership really bothered the Tweeter-in-Chief, who saw his stand for injustice toward people of color as an affront to the natural order of whiteness. Despite being blacklisted from the NFL for kneeling during the National Anthem, Kaepernick persisted, bringing many of his fellow football players along with him.

The world needs more leaders who are not just willing to make a stand, but also a sacrifice for that stand, despite the barrage of attacks not just from the Bigot-in-Chief, but also his sycophants over at Fox News.

The ever-vacuous and shallow token millennial Tomi Lahren was incensed. How dare black people stand up and speak out? They're just divisive bigots themselves!

Uncle Ruckus Herman Cain had something to say too, denying that injustice was ever a thing or is a thing now. Even Senator Tim Scott isn't that deluded.

CNN pundits clucked, with the newest pundit Ben Ferguson wondering why Kaepernick had a right to a voice when he hadn't been to a Black Lives Matter rally. As if that was a golden ticket or something. Don Lemon stood up for him quite well, however.

And on it went, with Trump seeing the whole "taking a knee" gesture as a political wedge to keep his dwindling base angry and clamoring for red meat.

Still, Kaepernick persisted. Quietly. Powerfully. With absolute dignity.

So Colin Kaepernick earns a Good Guy of the Year award from us. May his efforts be rewarded with justice and an end to the white supremacy so often used to try and rob heroes like him of their well-earned dignity and leadership.

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