Whiny Sore Loser Roy Moore Refuses To Concede

Is he waiting for someone to produce a bag of extra ballots?

In a campaign ad video, Roy Moore defiantly declared he would not concede.

Repeating old themes he seems to be waiting for God to ride in on a fiery horse and save him. "Today, we no longer recognize the universal truth that God is the author of our life and liberty. Abortion, sodomy, and materialism have taken the place of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness,” he droned.

We are a country in decline, he says, because of abortion and gay marriage, yada yada.

Saving his righteous anger for the accusations against him, Moore blamed women for bringing them, saying "our political process has been affected with baseless and false allegations, which have become more relevant than the true issues which affect our country."

I keep wondering if his refusal to concede relates to an expectation that the results will be fixed in his favor.

Hey, if the Republican Party machine in Alabama won't rig the results for you, Roy, you really are in deep trouble.

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