Bernie Sanders Draws A Line: No DREAM, No CHIP, No Budget Deal

Nancy Pelosi and Bernie Sanders both threw down the gauntlet: Deal with outstanding issues or keep the government open on your own.

While Republicans headed over to the White House for a kegger with Donald Trump, Democrats were looking at a hefty to-do list for Republicans to handle between now and the end of the year.

Republicans might be giddy about looting the treasury and shoveling money in the pockets of billionaires and corporations, but the rest of us are losing sleep over health care and the fate of DREAMers.

Bernie Sanders delivered a speech Wednesday afternoon (above) reminding Republicans that they still have work to do before they leave Washington, especially since the government will shut down at midnight Friday without Congressional action. Sanders specifically called for action on CHIP, Community Health Center funding, and a clean DREAM Act, among other things.

“Any end of the year spending agreement must address the fear and uncertainty unnecessarily caused by the administration’s reckless actions, and a clean DREAM Act must be signed into law," Sanders declared.

Nancy Pelosi also had a message: Either pass a clean DREAM Act or figure out how to keep the government open without Democratic votes.

Up to now, Paul Ryan has relied upon Democratic votes to keep the government from shutting down. But House Democrats are resolute.

In the Senate, things are different, and this is where we need everyone's help. The only leverage Democrats have for a clean DREAM Act, community health center funding and CHIP renewal is to filibuster any attempt to procrastinate on a funding resolution. Unlike the horrible tax scam, Republicans will need 60 Senators on board to proceed to the bill.

Chuck Schumer promised there would be no more delays on the DREAM Act, and Republicans need Democrats to overcome the 60-vote threshold. There can be no further delays. None. They can just stay through Christmas, or Republicans can own a government shutdown.

Bernie Sanders is laying down the correct line for Dems: No CHIP, no DREAM Act, no deal.

Republicans may think they've got the world at their feet right now, but they've got serious work to do, and Democrats should help them make the right decisions.

Please call your Senators, whether Democratic or Republican, and demand that they do the work taxpayers expect them to do. Now. Today.

A clean DREAM Act.
Renew CHIP.
Fund Community Health Centers.

That must happen this week, so they should get busy.

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