'Tax Bills Are Hard': NBC Reporters Suck Up To GOPers For Writing Tax Scam Bill

John Harwood and Mike Murphy, two on-air personalities who should know better, sing Kevin Brady's praises as he signs off on the GOP Tax Scam.

A reminder that what is happening here isn't Trumpism.

It's Republican policies enabled by a complicit media.

Rep. Kevin Brady (above) on behalf of the Republican House, signed off on the GOP Tax Scam. Then went on TV and lied about its benefits.

Republican consultant and NBC talking head Mike Murphy, who thinks himself a Never-Trumper and actually has "don't blame me, I was for Jeb!"*** on his Twitter avatar, takes the time to slather praise on Brady via Twitter.

And then NBC's John Harwood assists:

Twitter had a thing to say to both of them. (I left out the ones using the eff word or comparing the whole thing to Hitler.) :

***Jeb Bush would have totally signed off on this trickle down garbage as well as hired Tom Price to be HHS secretary, so no.

h/t @shoq for bringing the tweets to my attention.

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