Napolitano Throws Cold Water On Stuart Varney's Claim Clinton Email Investigation Is 'Tainted'

They just can't quit her.

"Judge" Andrew Napolitano had to throw cold water on FBN's Stuart Varney, who was up-in-arms because one FBI agent held a differing political opinion than he did on Trump.

Earlier today, the DOJ released anti-Trump texts between Peter Strzok and his alleged lover, FBI colleague Lisa Page.

As you might expect, the entire right wing noise machine is in convulsions.

Former Department of Justice (DOJ) spokesman Matthew Miller was outraged by this move and said, "This is so inappropriate in the middle of an investigation. Strzok and Page are career DOJ employees who have due process rights. Something stinks.”

Anyway, after reading the texts to his audience on Varney & Co., this morning, FBN's Stuart Varney had a meltdown after he brought on Judge Napolitano.

Judge Nap was laughing at Varney's reading of the texts and asked, "Is this a soap opera?"

Varney was furious, "That is a tainted investigation."

Napolitano said, "That's why he was removed from the investigation. -- he's had nothing to do with it the past five months because that stuff became apparent to Bob Mueller."

He continued, "He's also one of twenty-five FBI agents on the case."

Varney switched to the Clinton email investigation and read more of the anti-Trump texts.

Judge Nap said, "In all the years I've worked with FBI agents, cops and prosecutors, I never once found a choirboy. These are tough people with strong opinions who have to be guided by the facts of the law."

Varney cut in, "They have demonstrated their willingness to put their political ideas into practice to protect Hillary Clinton. It's tainted!"

Napolitano replied, "if it is that tainted, why doesn't Jeff Sessions do something?

Varney whined, "That's not the question."

Napolitano boomed, "Yes it is the question to ask right now."

Varney angrily pounds the table, "This-is-a-tainted investigation."

The judge said, "If the entire team of FBI agents wanted to exonerate Hillary at all costs then that evidence should be reviewed by the current Justice Department, instead they are doing nothing."

That's because there is nothing to do. The Clinton email case was thoroughly investigated and it ultimately leads to her demise for the presidency because of rogue elements in the FBI and the actions of James Comey.

Varney would not give in. "I presented the evidence of taint," he stubbornly said.

Reading a few tweets that describe Strzok's feelings about Trump -- feelings over 60 million Americans felt -- is not evidence.

Varney continued, "I think we've got a constitutional crisis."

Napolitano asked, "What's the constitutional crisis?"

Varney moronically shot back that he's not a constitutional expert, forcing Napolitano to laugh in his face. "That we know."

Having no clue what he's talking about, Varney continued, "We've got an enormous problem here. This investigation is tainted."

Varney then said it could taint the Russia investigation as well.

Napolitano reiterated, "Do FBI agents have opinions, yes? Are they entitled to express them, yes. Are they entitled to hide evidence, of course not."

Isn't it surprising how quickly all these Trump supporters make believe they've forgotten how Trump supporting FBI agents helped get him elected?

Two days before FBI director James Comey rocked the world last week, Rudy Giuliani was on Fox, where he volunteered, un-prodded by any question: “I think he’s [Donald Trump] got a surprise or two that you’re going to hear about in the next few days. I mean, I’m talking about some pretty big surprises.”Pressed for specifics, he said: “We’ve got a couple of things up our sleeve that should turn this thing around.”

There's your constitutional crisis, Big Guy.

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