Brian Kilmeade Shocked Sessions 'Could Never Preside Over A Russia Investigation'

Kilmeade almost shite himself. It's almost like they assume a Russia investigation was a foregone conclusion before Trump was ever elected.

DOJ Spox Sarah Isgur Flores had to explain to Fox and Friends host Brian Kilmeade that since Sessions was a senior advisor to Trump's team, he had to recuse himself from any investigations into the campaign.

Kilmeade angrily said, "I wonder why he took the job then."

After a new report came out saying an FBI agent told an aide to Sessions that in his official capacities as a Senator, he wasn't required to reveal his foreign contacts, the right wing media circus went ballistic.

Suddenly they believe that Sessions did not have to recuse himself from the Russia investigations so that he could imitate Rep. Devin Nunes' despicable behavior trying to undermine his own Committee's work and either shield or torpedo all aspects of any investigation into the Trump administration.

Trump's favorite team of Fox News talking heads brought on the DOJ's spokesperson Sarah Isgur Flores to discuss a DOJ official named Bruce Ohr.

Fox News reported that he was demoted when they learned his wife worked for Fusion GPS and as Ainsley Earhardt describes it, the "dirty dossier" even though they have no proof his wife even worked on the dossier or that he had any knowledge about it or took any part in it.

Any and all connections to Fusion GPS by anyone in Trump's world must be exterminated.

Kilmeade then began to represent Trump the best way he knows how, by asking moronic questions and making specious connections about things he knows nothing about.

Kilmeade asked, "Has the Justice Department been a disappointment to the president?"

After Flores told him to ask Trump and then defended his reign so far, Brian jumped into Sessions recusal.

Kilmeade said, "But he might have recused himself from this investigation for no reason. It turns out there is a email showing the FBI told him flat out you don't have to reveal these conversations with this Russian ambassador and it turns out he recused himself because of that."

The DOJ Spox came prepared.

Flores replied, "No, no, no. I think this is actually really important. The FBI email you are referring to is what he needed to put on FS86 security form that CNN then wrote that he needed to have all of those meetings on. That was incorrect because he was following the advice from the FBI."

It's odd that Sessions never mentioned this email or this instruction from the FBI during his testimony. Also, the fact that he lied about these contracts during his questioning is also a big deal. But whatevs...

She continued, "His recusal, however, was based on the fact that he was a senior advisor to the Trump campaign and that is specific in the Department of Justice regulations that if you're a senior advisor in the campaign, you have to recuse yourself from any investigation into that campaign. So it had nothing to do with any meetings with Russians."

Brian asked, "You are saying he could never preside over a Russian investigation?"

"Not into the campaign in which he was a senior advisor," Flores said.

Brian retorted, "I wonder why he took the job then.”

Poor whiny little imp.

Isn't that what Trump said about Sessions? Why'd he take the job if he was gonna recuse himself?

Is Kilmeade saying that the Trump campaign and administration knew they would be investigated for conspiring with the Russians during the 2016 presidential election by Congress and Sessions was only appointed to kill it dead in its tracks?

You must always bow down, lick the boots and kiss the ring of Trump. Fox News treats every high official in the federal government as if they are Trump's lackeys.

Taking the job to run the DOJ is not supposed to be taken so that the Attorney General can shield a president from public scrutiny or any serious investigations into possible criminal activities.

They are the top law enforcement and chief lawyer in the country, presiding over and making policy that affects every citizen.

AG's are not the president's personal valet. But as you might expect Brian Kilmeade and the rest of Fox and Friends are Donald Trump's personal spokesmen.

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