Rally Speaker Tells Voters About Roy Moore Visit To Bordello With Child Prostitutes

I really hope this guy didn't think he was helping. It was all an accident! Sure thing.

Roy Moore pulled out all the stops at his final campaign rally before the upcoming election, bringing friends and family forward to testify to how fine, upright and upstanding he is.

One of them, Bill Sailing, shared a story from Moore's time in Vietnam, where they "accidentally" landed at a brothel featuring child prostitutes.

Sailing's story begins in Vietnam with the imminent departure of a buddy, who invited Moore and Sailing to a private club in the city to celebrate with "a couple of beers."

Generally, "private clubs" weren't just bars. But Moore and Sailing weren't expecting anything more than the equivalent of an officer's club or something, or at least that's the story he told.

According to Sailing, when they arrived they were shocked -- SHOCKED -- to find activities that were considerably more sinful than they expected. “I could tell you what I saw but I don’t want to,” Sailing said mischievously.

“There were certainly pretty girls. And they were girls. They were young. Some were very young,” Sailing told the audience.

But Sailing also said that Moore was shocked by the sight of prostitutes, telling Sailing they should leave right away.

According to Sailing, he and Moore asked their friend to leave with them but he didn't care to, so they left without him. Apparently child prostitution is bad if you see it, but it's fine to leave a pal there to enjoy those children.

Sailing finished the story by telling his audience the third man returned in the morning on the back of a motorcycle.

Did Sailing think he was helping? Does anyone believe Roy Moore was so very shocked at the sight of child prostitutes that he turned on his heel and left? Now I suppose it is possible that his revulsion at people of color could have overwhelmed his attraction to nubile young girls, but I have my doubts.

However, headlines like the one on this post will not do Moore a bit of good. If the campaign thought this was an excellent way to sell voters on Moore's virtue, I've got a bridge to sell them. Or maybe they still believe in Santa.


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