'Pure Evil': Roy Moore Cries About His Critics To Anti-LGBTQ Host Bryan Fischer

Roy Moore hides from the media and his religious right allies cover for him.

Roy Moore whined to the AFA's radio host Bryan Fischer that all the people criticizing him are "pure evil"

Right Wing Watch caught this interview between Roy Moore and the American Family Association, which is labeled a hate group by the SPLC.

Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore, who has been avoiding non-right-wing media since allegations of sexual misconduct were made by the Washington Post, appeared on Monday on the radio show of Bryan Fischer, the American Family Association host who shares Moore’s penchant for anti-LGBTQ and anti-Muslim bigotry.

Fischer lobbed softballs to Moore, claiming that all the allegations against him had been debunked. Not surprisingly, Moore agreed, and portrayed himself as the victim of dirty politics: “What they’ve done to me is not only unforgivable, it’s just pure hatred, and it’s pure spite and it’s pure evil and wrong.”

Bryan Fischer has a documented history as being as hateful and disgraceful as you might imagine.

During this interview Fischer told his audience that all the charges brought on Moore have been completely debunked and as a supposed man of God, he threw his entire wight behind an alleged pedophile.

They both were shocked that conservative supporters they respected had abandoned Moore because they had been "duped and fallen for the fake news about these allegations."

Moore replied by saying, "People are weak" who want to preserve their power and prestige in Washington.

They were both very happy that Donald Trump "removed all doubt" in his support of Moore's candidacy.

Fischer made sure to say that since the broadcast was a 501C, he's not allowed to endorse any candidate, but this entire interview was one big endorsement for Roy Moore's campaign.

Moore and Fischer claimed he has a pristine record, pure as the driven snow...

And then out of the blue, they both attacked George Soros.

“He is pushing an agenda and his agenda is sexual in nature, his agenda is liberal, and not what Americans need. It’s not our American culture. Soros comes from another world that I don’t identify with. I wish I could face him directly. And I’d tell him the same thing. No matter how much money he’s got, he’s still going to the same place that people who don’t recognize God and morality and accept his salvation are going. And that’s not a good place.”

I do hope there's a Hell to go to because a man who stalks and grooms young and under age girls surely will burn.

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