Sarah Huckabee Sanders Blames The Media For Trump's Abysmal Approval Ratings
Because you knew she would.
During today's White House press briefing after the House passed the tax bill, Sarah Huckabee Sanders blamed the media when asked why Trump's approval ratings are so low.
CNN released a new poll today that has Trump hitting a historic low rating of 35% for any sitting president in December of their first year in office.
Politico reports, "The RealClearPolitics polling average for Trump’s job approval rating, which does not include the CNN poll released Tuesday, sits at 38 percent."
That's a historic number that Sarah tried not to talk about.
Trump's press secretary excused the administration and her boss entirely of any missteps, miscalculations, lies and other moronic endeavors that has marred his first year in office including several members of his most trusted team already indicted or convicted of federal crimes.
She instead blamed the media for focusing only on the negative stories surrounding Trump.
A reporter asked, "You've listed off a number of accomplishments that you say the president has made in the first year in office. Why are his approval ratings mired in the upper 30s despite the accomplishments?"
Sanders replied, "I think oftentimes because while the president and this administration has been very focused on how we can better help the American people, I think oftentimes the media is focused on other things, certainly not talking about the growing economy, certainly not talking about the crushing of ISIS, not talking about the creation of jobs."
Her whine began to grow since nothing is ever their fault - ever.
"If you look at the amount of time that is spent on negative coverage of this president, 90% of the coverage is negative about this president, when as you just said, I listed off a number of things that have been pretty historic in nature in this first year, and if people were focused a lot more on those things in the media, I think his numbers would be a lot higher," she said.
If only the American free press acted more like Fox and Friends' state sponsored propaganda for Trump, his approval ratings would be really high.
Keeping up their ruse, she said they expect his approval ratings to go up with this marvelous tax deal for the rich.
Trump's ratings may go up from some unspecified reason at this time, but with more and more information coming out about how this tax bill is a giveaway to the wealthy, I doubt that very much.
Only 33% of the American public are behind this tax plan right now and I imagine it will crater throughout 2018.