Alex Jones Really Loses His Sh*t While Attacking CNN's Brian Stelter
Did you know that Brian Stelter is a "demon spawn of the pit of hell?"

I've seen and written about many of Alex Jones' megalomaniacal rants before, but his crazed monologue on Friday denigrating CNN's Brian Stelter and describing him as "devil-worshiping filth" is right up there with the best of them.
Did you know Stelter has secret powers that can control the entire world? They must be embedded in the photographs that Jones flashes throughout his rant. Don't look, don't look! He'll control you too!
Media Matters quotes Jones saying, "they are drunk on our children's blood.”
So, who are the "they" of which he speaks? It's you and me.
I've written for over a decade that the true objective of all right wing hate talk is to make their viewers hate the left so much, they'd rather vote for a pedophile over a middle-of-the- road Democratic politician.
And Jones' deranged words here exemplify it perfectly.
Jones said, "But just look at [Brian] Stelter again. Put him on screen. I think that's all the broadcast should be, is just a photo of Stelter smiling. Ugh. Ugh. Oh my gosh. Oh, hell on earth. He wants to run your life. He wants to control every aspect of your life because he knows he is a cowardly degenerate sack of anti-human trash. I pledge before my heavenly father that I will resist them every way I can. These people are the literal demon spawn of the pit of hell. Look at him. And you know what, he is better than you if you keep letting him run your life. He runs your kids, he runs the schools, he runs the banks. This guy, this spirit, this smiling, leering devil that thinks you can’t see what he is. He is your enemy. Period."
How Jones injects his demented religious claptrap on top of his paranoid delusions is quite illuminating.
Jones gets so angry that he virtually is spitting up blood from the recesses of his bowels.
He continued, "All the narcissistic devil-worshiping filth. I see you, Enemy. I see you, Enemy. Enemy. Enemy. You are my enemy. And I swear total resistance to you with everything I’ve got. Disingenuous, fake, false, brokeback, twisted, a defiler, a betrayer, a back stabber, a devil. You will pay. Yeah, you don’t think I see your face, scum? You don’t think I don’t see you, Stelter? I see you, you understand me? I know what you think of me and my family. I see you right back. You understand that? You understand that, Stelter? [Grunting noises] Stelter. You will fall. You will not bring humanity down. God is going to destroy you. Get him off the screen. [Crying] Oh, God, they’re so evil. Just please God, free us from them. They’re drunk on our children's blood for God's sake. OK, I’m going to stop right now."
And this man has influence on the president of the United States.