A 'Bloody Nose' Could Lead To A World War

An attack plan on North Korea is in the works.

This report amplifies the fears many of us have with an authoritarian and egomaniacal man sitting in the Oval Office.

U.S. officials are mulling the possibility of launching a military strike against North Korean targets without provoking war on the Korean Peninsula, the Wall Street Journal reports.

It's been dubbed the "bloody nose" strategy: "React to some nuclear or missile test with a targeted strike against a North Korean facility to bloody Pyongyang’s nose and illustrate the high price the regime could pay for its behavior," per the Journal.

Yeah, why would NOKO react to that? I'm sure Kim Jung-un will shrug it off and laugh, right? Doesn't every nation use targeted military strikes to make a point?

This is insane. This is how war begins. A real war with real casualties. This isn't who wins the war on Twitter. And South Korea would be the first to pay the price for this action.

I imagine Trump will wait until the midterms elections are upon us to implement such a horrifying strategy, hoping it will build nationalistic empathy for his administration.

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