Chuck Todd Humiliates Republicans: 'Conspiracy Theories Have Gone Off The Rails'
After Sen. Ron Johnson said there was a secret society out to get Trump, Chuck Todd finally had enough.
Has Chuck Todd finally had enough?
On yesterday/s MTP Daily Todd responded to the insane conspiracy theories Republicans in Congress have been slinging to defend chief conspiracy theorist Donald Trump.
Republicans have been obsessed with one particular text from FBI agent who was dismissed from the Mueller investigation. Sen. Ron Johnson took words from the text and insisted he had an "informant" who could prove there was a "secret society" in the FBI out to get Trump,
Todd opened with this: "Trump won the popular vote. Obama was born in Kenya. Ted Cruz's father was involved in the Kennedy assassination and the FBI is the deep state. If you believe those things, especially the last one, you are either called a conspiracy theorist or perhaps the President of the United States."
We begin with the president's attempt to destroy the FBI credibility on the Russia probe, and the elected Republicans, right now, who appear to be helping him do it.
Folks, that kind of smear campaign against the FBI's leadership and that kind of willingness to embrace the president's conspiracy theories has gone off the rails. And it has gone off the rails with the help of elected Republicans who, I think, we all thought should know better.
Todd then played a bunch of clips that back up his statement.
Ed. Note: It's one thing to ignore crazy conspiracy theorists on social media as random nutjobs. But when elected officials including Trump use the same nutjob language to distract their base, it's time to hold them accountable. We need to vote every Republican on the ballot OUT in November.