Greg Popovich: 'Every Time I Hear Somebody Say They're Not A Racist, You Know That They Are'

The man has a point.

The very outspoken NBA coach Greg Popovich shared some serious thoughts on MLK Day, which included taking aim at Donald Trump's overt racism.

Trump's "shithole" comment has rumbled throughout the entire world as evidence of his racism.

Discussing racism on MLK day is prudent except for those who wallow in its hatefulness. We have a so-called president that wraps his arms around white nationalistic beliefs. More and more public figures need to come out and speak.

The NY Daily News transcribed some of Popovich's words.

Back in May, the Spurs coach said that after Trump was elected, "there’s a dark cloud, a pall over the whole country, in a paranoid, surreal sort of way.

“Dr. King, he was truly a person who was interested in making America great for everyone,” Popovich said.

“He understood that racism was our national sin, and if everybody didn’t come together it would bring everybody down, including white people. That promise that he basically demanded for America to fill from way back then is what put us on the road to make America great. At the same time, we all know the situation now. And I think he’d be a very, very sad man to see that a lot of his efforts have been held up and torn down. It doesn’t matter if you’re looking at the Voting Rights Act or the ridiculous number of people of color who are incarcerated.”

“(Racism) is insidious and it’s still our national sin that we have to work on,” he said. “Every time I hear somebody say they’re not a racist, you know they are. So, those are some of the thoughts I have on this day. You want to be happy for some things, but current circumstances make it very difficult to clap too much.”

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