Jesse Watters: 'Shithole' Is How Forgotten Men And Women In America Talk In Bars'

There's are jackasses and then there's Jesse Watters

Fox News' Jesse Watters and master Trump propagandist said that Trump's disparaging words were fine because instead of "locker room talk" they were typical "bar room talk."

The topic came up of Trump calling Haiti and some African nations "shitholes" and Jesse Watters were there to lend a helping hand to our feeble president.

Watters immediately brought up the "fake news" defense which is a lie since Fox News had confirmed Trump's remarks.

Watters said, "I think it's either fake news. If it's true, this is how the forgotten men and women in America talk at the bar."

Forgotten men and women. Huh? The forgotten souls of yesteryear maybe?

He continued by making the case that he knows the minds of white supremacists really well.

Watters said, "This is how Trump relates to people."

Like a racist, got it.

"If you are in a bar in Wisconsin you are thinking they are bringing in a bunch of all Haiti people or Salvadorans or people from Niger, this is how some people talk. Is it graceful? No. Is it polite or delicate? Absolutely not. Is it a little offensive? Of course it is, but you know what, this doesn't move the needle at all."

The approval rating needle? Not all Trump supporters are all-out racists in the manor that Trump is, Jesse and many Republicans who voted for him because of party will turn their backs on him.

"This is how Trump is. He doesn't care. He shoots from the hip and if he offends some people, fine," Watters said.

Trump is not offending "some" people. He's offending entire countries that are mostly made up of non-whites, you f*cking lapdog a-hole.

"There are so many offensive things that are happening in this world,"...yada, yada, yada.

Dana Perino cut in and said, "But we are talking about this. I know what you're trying to do."

Jesse continued on by saying, "He was talking about third world countries and your bringing in people who have low skills and low education in the context of immigration."

Juan Williams, "He didn't say that."

Greg Gutfeld was next and made no sense at all by saying why can't these people stay in their county and fix their country. "Why is it that they can't do that."

And then he made light of Trump's comments by relating his experience to shithole apartments he's lived in.

When people need safe havens from natural disasters it's not because they are lazy, dummy.

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